Luzar Vestments

Luzar Vestments - Lace Albs, Lace Cottas, Traditional Lace Rochets, Surplices
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Cottas, Rochets & Surplices: Second Hand and Antique

Below are the Second-Hand & Antique Cottas, Rochets and Surplices we have in stock currently, but our stock is changing all the time, so please do contact us for up to date information.

View Antique & Second-hand Albs

Cottas, Surplices and Rochets:
Lace Rochet 8424 Lace Rochet 8400 Lace Rochet 8230
Ref 8424. Price £895.
Ref 8400. Price £495.
Ref 8230. Price £995.
Length 99cm.
Length 89cm.
Length 94cm.

Lace Cotta 8127 Lace Cotta 8126 Lace Cotta 7780 Lace Rochet 7778
Ref 8127. Price £195.
Ref 8126. Price £125.
Ref 7780. Price £995.
Ref 7778. Price £295
Length 99cm.
Length 91cm.
Length 104cm.
Length 103cm.

Lace Rochet 7376 Brussels Lace Rochet Lace Rochet 6548
Ref 7376. Price £895.
Ref 7029. Price £595.
Ref 6548. Price £925.
Length 91cm.
Length 82cm.
Length 88cm.

Servers Cotta 7462
Ref 7462. Price £10.
Length 59cm.

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